ProjektDK BLOG
In this BLOG, you’ll find topics on which Claus has an opinion or wants to share insights and knowledge. The best way to understand stuff is to write about it and use it.
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This is the second in a series of articles on the product operating model. To recap, it has three dimensions. The right problems to solve The right solutions to the problems Solutions delivered the right way This and the next …
The 3 Dimensions of the Product Operating Model. This is the first in a series of articles on the product operating model. It’ll be a mix of my practical experience and various inspirational sources. In one of my earlier articles, …
I’ve addressed the Product Innovation topic numerous times in the BLOG, and much of the referenced literature concerns Product Innovation. Having worked with various organizations, and joined various network discussions, my aim is here to share my (subjective) understanding of where we in …
Have we gotten to the point where everything – including Modern Leadership – is getting the “Agile” label? This is what this post is about. From early on, I’ve been a strong advocate for doing software development the Agile way …
Before discussing what makes a process good, bad, or directly ugly, let’s start with the basics. An often used way to describe a process in e.g., Lean Six Sigma or ISO 9001:2015, is SIPOC dating back to Total Quality Management …
What would happen if we ask the teams, what they need to be successful? It can hardly have missed your attention that it has become a “management thing” how teams are supposed to work. Just look e.g., at the “Agile …
The fact that nothing beats a good start, is not a new insight. Neither is the importance of a good plan. Executive summary You do in fact have some kind of a crystal ball. A bad start will most likely …
WHAT? Look around and you’ll find problems everywhere! Well – no. What you experience are often symptoms originating from some underlying problem. In our high-paced society, we’re constantly tempted to do something fast on the symptom, just to realize the …
I’m a bit puzzled why in 2022 people still contrast Management with Leadership. It makes no sense. First of all – a Manager is a job (functional manager, product manager, project manager ..). Being a Leader is not a job …
Quotes from Marty Cagan on a visit to ProductTank in Oslo during a talk about pitfalls during the transformation towards a product-led organization: Marty Cagan describes this as the “European Process Disease“. You’re most likely already familiar with the process-quotes …
I believe that most modern Product Leaders will agree that leading with business problems within a context is the way forward. Or rephrased – ask empowered Product Teams to find solutions to business problems – do not tell them what …
You may have wondered – what is the secret sauce enabling e.g., Amazon to grow exponentially, yet keep the start-up mentality with strong customer focus and fast-paced innovation? Some of the important ingredients in the sauce are found in what …
In the “Old Days” the rate of change was not at todays extreme level. The predominant way of thinking and organizing work had clear traces back to Max Weber, Frederic Tailor and Henry Fayol. In our “Modern Times” we cannot …
In the “old days”, Project Management and Product Management were two separate and often fully disconnected disciplines. Not anymore. The trend today, at least in product-led companies, is a merge of the best from both worlds into a new (and …
Modern product-led organizations with a strong product culture will typically apply what has come to be known as dual-track Agile, each track with a specific purpose: All organizations, not restricted to the product-led ones, want to be effective and efficient. …
How do we come from our vision to delivery and Outcome? And why talk Outcome and not only Output? Melissa Perri has written a whole worthy-to-read book Escaping the Build Trap explaining exactly, why we need to focus on Outcome …
An organization is much like an orchestra: you need highly skilled individuals working together in an aligned and transparent way according to a common heartbeat. Focus will in this post primarily be on OKR and Product. Objectives and Key Results …
Generally speaking we’re as humans driven by a few intrinsic motivators The deep feeling of a (higher) purpose Being part of a team Providing results and making a difference Having a genuine influence on the decisions Doing real and value-adding …
We’ve all had that repeated feeling – tumbling-down a rabbit hole of complexity only to conclude that the GPS signal is lost. We’re like Alice in Wonderland in the search of where to go. Alice encountered the Cheshire Cat, hoping that …
The balances and the forces of complexity are all around us: Invest vs consolidate Bureaucracy vs humanocracy Technology standardization vs freedom to chose Build vs buy Risks vs opportunities Centralization vs decentralization Dictate vs empowerment In-source vs out-source … With …
This is part two in the series of two posts, discussing the Technology perspective. Missed part one? Find it here. We’ll in this post discuss the Technology perspective in IT Projects. The technology perspective – a double-edged sward The technology perspective …
You might have noticed it: there is no “Project Manager” role in Scrum, nor in SAFe. Is that it then – end of Project Management? The aim for this post is to have a nuanced discussion on the fate of …
This is the first in a series of two posts discussing the nature of the IT Project. We’ll in this post discuss the generally applicable characteristics of a modern IT Project seen from a Leadership perspective. This will be followed …
Finding the optimal balance between process prescription and flexibility, is what all organizations are aiming for in their quest for excellence. There is, however, no textbook-optimal balancing -point. What works best for you in your organizational context, will differ from …
Are you “only” involved in purely digital / IT products, then you might want to skip this post … unless you want to appreciate the complexity being faced by people working with multidisciplinary products. The modern high-tech product company needs …
Congratulations – you, as an external project management consultant, have been asked to run a project for your customer. Now what? How do you as fast as possible get a firm grip on the steering wheel? Are there some fairly …
If you’re in a company “only” developing purely digital products, lucky you. You do not have to manage the added complexity in developing and producing multidisciplinary / mechatronics products. Should you not be so “lucky” and happen to be with …
The ambition with this post is to provide a, hopefully, quick and easy to grasp understanding of What ISO 9001:2015 and its purpose is Where ISO 9001:2015 makes sense The structural overview of ISO 9001:2015 ISO 9001:2015 and its purpose …
Here in part 3 we’ll discuss Renewable Tech [RT]’s strategy for how to bring live to its vision. Recap from part 2 Part 2 outlined RT’s vision to become a strong Product company thus making a radical shift in the …
This is part 2 in the series of posts discussing the journey towards becoming a strong Product company. Here we’ll focus on the Vision as formulated by RT’s executive team. Recap from part 1 In part 1 the strategic context of …
This post is the first in a series of posts discussing the hypothetical company, Renewable Tech [RT]’s journey towards the vision of becoming a strong and undisputed market-leading Product company within renewables technology, from primarily being a provider of customer-specific …
If you are new to AI and Data Science and need quickly to get your head wrapped around the basic terms, this post is for you. Are you already experienced in the field, you might want not to spend your …
Two craftsmen are working on a cathedral, each having their own toolbox. During the coffee break they have a heated debate on which toolbox is best. Why not discuss the bigger issue – the cathedral? Because the toolbox is easy …
I’ve made a quick (non-scientific) survey of Danish blog-posts related to Agile and job-postings from high-tech companies HQ’ed in Denmark, searching for Output vs Outcome. Focus is still predominantly on Project and Agile teams providing efficient and continuous delivery of …
We all know it: selecting the right tool for the right problem renders the best quality with the shortest time and least cost spent. Of course you need also to have the competence and experience using that given tool. In …
The aim with this post is through a scenario to illustrate the gap between the majority and the best when it comes to innovation of high-tech Products. Setting the scene Team Beetle and Team Mc Laren are both Product companies …
Most people with an “agile mindset” will agree that we’re here to serve the customer in the Product company. By customer we here mean the real customer, purchasing and using the Products we’ve developed. Sounds obvious – what else? In …
What is business agility? Try google the definitions of “Agile”, “agile” and “agility” and get confused. In this post we’ll use the simple definition: The nature of “business agility” is highly dependent on the specific business context. In this post …