Grundfos needed a strong project manager to verify the business rationale on a new digital customer tool to select advanced solution on-line. Claus was hired to the job. I was impressed by the energy and the analytics that Claus used to get on-boarded and also onboard the team … read more.

Michael Skovgaard
Sen. Director Grundfos Industry
Claus has been hired in VELUX to strengthen the process around preparing/qualifying and executing projects within the field of cost out, quality improvement and sustainability improvement … read more.

Lars Overgaard Bohlbro
Senior Director Product Introduction
This is the second in a series of articles on the product operating model. To recap, it has three dimensions. The right …
The 3 Dimensions of the Product Operating Model. This is the first in a series of articles on the product operating model. …
I’ve addressed the Product Innovation topic numerous times in the BLOG, and much of the referenced literature concerns Product Innovation. Having worked with various organizations, …
Have we gotten to the point where everything – including Modern Leadership – is getting the “Agile” label? This is what this …
Before discussing what makes a process good, bad, or directly ugly, let’s start with the basics. An often used way to describe …
What would happen if we ask the teams, what they need to be successful? It can hardly have missed your attention that …
The fact that nothing beats a good start, is not a new insight. Neither is the importance of a good plan. Executive …
WHAT? Look around and you’ll find problems everywhere! Well – no. What you experience are often symptoms originating from some underlying problem. …
I’m a bit puzzled why in 2022 people still contrast Management with Leadership. It makes no sense. First of all – a …
Quotes from Marty Cagan on a visit to ProductTank in Oslo during a talk about pitfalls during the transformation towards a product-led …
I believe that most modern Product Leaders will agree that leading with business problems within a context is the way forward. Or …
You may have wondered – what is the secret sauce enabling e.g., Amazon to grow exponentially, yet keep the start-up mentality with …
In the “Old Days” the rate of change was not at todays extreme level. The predominant way of thinking and organizing work …
In the “old days”, Project Management and Product Management were two separate and often fully disconnected disciplines. Not anymore. The trend today, …
Modern product-led organizations with a strong product culture will typically apply what has come to be known as dual-track Agile, each track …
How do we come from our vision to delivery and Outcome? And why talk Outcome and not only Output? Melissa Perri has …
An organization is much like an orchestra: you need highly skilled individuals working together in an aligned and transparent way according to …
Generally speaking we’re as humans driven by a few intrinsic motivators The deep feeling of a (higher) purpose Being part of a …
We’ve all had that repeated feeling – tumbling-down a rabbit hole of complexity only to conclude that the GPS signal is lost. We’re …
The balances and the forces of complexity are all around us: Invest vs consolidate Bureaucracy vs humanocracy Technology standardization vs freedom to …
This is part two in the series of two posts, discussing the Technology perspective. Missed part one? Find it here. We’ll in this …
You might have noticed it: there is no “Project Manager” role in Scrum, nor in SAFe. Is that it then – end …
This is the first in a series of two posts discussing the nature of the IT Project. We’ll in this post discuss …
Finding the optimal balance between process prescription and flexibility, is what all organizations are aiming for in their quest for excellence. There …
Are you “only” involved in purely digital / IT products, then you might want to skip this post … unless you want …
Congratulations – you, as an external project management consultant, have been asked to run a project for your customer. Now what? How …
If you’re in a company “only” developing purely digital products, lucky you. You do not have to manage the added complexity in …
The ambition with this post is to provide a, hopefully, quick and easy to grasp understanding of What ISO 9001:2015 and its …
Here in part 3 we’ll discuss Renewable Tech [RT]’s strategy for how to bring live to its vision. Recap from part 2 …
This is part 2 in the series of posts discussing the journey towards becoming a strong Product company. Here we’ll focus on …
This post is the first in a series of posts discussing the hypothetical company, Renewable Tech [RT]’s journey towards the vision of …
If you are new to AI and Data Science and need quickly to get your head wrapped around the basic terms, this …
Two craftsmen are working on a cathedral, each having their own toolbox. During the coffee break they have a heated debate on …
I’ve made a quick (non-scientific) survey of Danish blog-posts related to Agile and job-postings from high-tech companies HQ’ed in Denmark, searching for …
We all know it: selecting the right tool for the right problem renders the best quality with the shortest time and least …
The aim with this post is through a scenario to illustrate the gap between the majority and the best when it comes …
Most people with an “agile mindset” will agree that we’re here to serve the customer in the Product company. By customer we …
What is business agility? Try google the definitions of “Agile”, “agile” and “agility” and get confused. In this post we’ll use the …